Sunday, 30 September 2012


哈嘍十月!好快,就這樣九月不見了~時間真的過的好快好快。也就這樣,不知不覺我也在college過了半年!(⊙o⊙) College的生活真的不是以前想像中的那麼好混,首先你要去適應那裡的環境、全都是abc的環境,再來要去和新朋友打交道,很開心~在這班都遇上很好的朋友,大家每天都是笑一笑就過去了!我說得對嗎同學們?哈哈哈。再來是要變機靈,真的要變機靈不然沒有人可以救你!很可惜我到現在還是迷迷糊糊緊張兮兮的一個哈哈!很不錯,至少講師們說的英文已經漸漸能夠理解、看英文片的時候不用看華文字十句我也能聽得懂五句(笑)。哪像以前、劈裡啪啦的都不知道他們在說什麼哈哈!適應了這種生活真的很棒 ;)



去了Roost cafe 吃午餐~~









Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Dinner @ Vilaggio Restaurant.

Food post again! I'm addicted on doing food post recently cos it's so fun to go new places and try new foods!If you noticed before I'm totally is a food lover especially with spicy foods!I'm so glad to has a boyfie also like spicy foods sososo much, we can say that is 无辣不欢 hahaha!

Last week, me and my boyfie decided to try Vilaggio Italian Restaurant@Taman Skudai. We always pass by here but never try it.When I was first step into here I'm so surprised to saw its decor like brick design bcos its my dream house eih!;D

Enjoyed western foods must order mushroom soup!!!

Me and the garlic bread lol.

Baked Oyster for an appetizer.

Silly boy.

Love the face of the day♥

Beef and mushroom cabonara pasta for me!

Petto De Pollo for boyfie.

Okay! Honestly, I can't wait to ate this!

In the end I wanna to recommend this's the place to go for nice Italian foods or just a place to get drinks and chill.Thankiew boyfie!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

From That To This: DIY Old Bracelet.

Hello girls!We're know the fashion is constantly changing.Everyday you buy something or abandoned something, you know its really really wasting?Today,let me to show you a DIY tutorial that can be change from OLD to NEW!!!^.^

I found them in my dresser and I don’t think I’ve worn them more than once or twice because they are a little too plain. I like fun flats!So I pulled together the next best thing: nail polish and cotton swabs.

I know it sounds a little silly, but you can’t even tell the difference. Let me show you how to make your own…

Here're the materials I used: 1. old bracelet 2. nail polish(choose your fav color) 3. cotton swabs

And here's how you can make you own...

Pour your first color of nail polish out on to a clean surface and dip your cotton swabs in the polish.

You can use the cotton swabs to painting it or directly with the nail brush to go.

This's my first time to do it,so please ignore my dirty traces on the bracelet..;( Oh...I am so glad I did this mini-makeover!Let start to do your new beautiful accessories!