Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Brandom n Terence's Birthday Party & Pyjamas Party

Finally, I have the mood to blogging this post now since the holidays was starting.lol. Unfortunately, it's the last week of my holidays.;( I thought I can enjoy in this last week but I think it's fail because I'm not feeling well for few days already. IS IT NOT ENOUGH FOR ME?? Well, the auntie period also come to bother me at the same time!!!!Urghh!! :( #sounlucky
It was our first time to organized birthday party &pyjamas party in the hotel. A lot of job have to be done by me and Jasmine even it's without return.LOL. Can I say MGLBB's boys aren't such a good guys now?;3 Okay, I'm just kidding. I'm sure we were not satisfied also if completed by you GUYS...........hahaha

Hosted this party can be a bit troublesome, like buying foods and drinks, sent out the invitation, think out the games, preparing the punishment and so on... But Jasmine and I also enjoyed to organize these things becos #we'rethegirls! ;)

 Birthday wish card. I know you'll think this's definitely done by Jasmine and me right? Yes, you're right! Awesome or not? We're so proud of ourself after hang this up!

#Take1 with the birthday wish card.


The food corner. Ignore the 'chaoda' heart shape fish fillets pls!!! I'm not proud of it. lol. Awesome fatness

The punishment. The most important/funny part of the day. I'm still remember we have to translate to my Ernest Toh classmate who actually don't understand Chinese word! haha

Sleeping outfit of the day.

With cutie Darren! Like his sleeping look so much!

Welcome back Tarro Oh! Your hair really look like.... You get what I mean. haha

Sel-ca is a MUST.

With stupid Panpan ;P

 With my Bernice classmate.

 Cool enough?
With my pretty bitch!

My classmates! From the left is Desmond, me, Brandom Tan and Ernest Toh!

Surprised to both of you!!!

Make a wish.

 Start the 心脏病game! 

Punished 1

Punished 2  #omfg

He was talking about:" Rice in the pot and I was on the bed!" #lmfao

Luckily, I ain't got any punishment...hiakhiakhiak #smartgirl *wink*

Last two pics of MGLBB! Bye❤

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