Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Had brunch@ Han Korea BBQ

哈罗,现在是8:14pm,星期三,26.12.12. 我想說:“我们都重活了啦!”哈哈哈!没有什么世界末日、是芥末日了;P 正享受着假期,每天都无忧无虑,太开心了,嘻嘻!但是好景不长在,在不久后又要开学了;( 新的學期,首先要面对的是成绩单,(摇头)

 我們去了我們最愛的Han Korea BBQ@Taman Sutera. 很喜歡這裡的原因是價錢不會很貴分量也很多,重點是小菜是無限量提供喔!你吃完了可以再叫知道你滿意為止!除此之外還有free一人一支冰淇淋耶!有6、7種選擇給你選。是不是很棒呢?呵呵呵!(第一排最右邊的那個黑豆是我的最愛,它有蜜糖味耶!)吃到最後我們竟然沒有refill到其中一道小菜,因為兩個人吃真的實在是太飽了!!!




我們的愛,泡菜湯!太好吃了啦!;D 我們沒有order肉吃,因為兩個人實在是吃不完,就算吃得完應該會被撐死吧=,= 而且大家都怕胖哈哈哈


 吃飽了就是dessert time啦!!親愛的吃的是榴槤口味的。



Random pics time!!!!

Upgrade我的相機了啦!這款Sumsung NX1000是我的新玩具,wifi、磨皮、Transfer相片去手機統統都有!真的很好用!用到目前為止都不需要用到閃關燈都很滿意喔!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Night.@Aruku The Walk

Hello peepoo! It's rainy day again!! Right, I've never been the biggest lover of rainy days. I totally hate raining becos it'd bring about the roads get flooded and transportation would really slow down.Go away rain,I want hot sun and plenty of it!

Skipskipskip.....Went to a party at Aruku last time!

Pretty girl sang on the stage!

With cutie Flower✿sis!Yea, she looked cute in the bang style!

 With my pretty Joey! ;D

The blur girls. LOL

Hello NEON PINK hair.... 


Saturday, 27 October 2012

18th Birthday Celebration with boyfren.

Too busy, too lazy. Everyday I think" Today I'll totally blog! " and then after class dismissed and reached home there would be somethings busied. lol. Finally post about my birthday dinner celebration. This year, I suggested George&Dragon for the dinner bcos I really like its ambiance and services.

On the way with yeah and the terrible eye......................

Spot on the ipad casing..Many people thought it is custom made!hahaha! Really look alike with bf btw.

Hungry till ugly......................!!!! Lmao

Okay,slip of red wine first, cheers!

Aww...Paprika chicken salad as the appetizer. Tasty!!!!

Add both of them into the chicken salad! Left is the lemon sauce and the right is salad sauce.

Sirloin Steak for me.

Black pepper chicken for boyfie. It's verrryyyy delicious guys!!!!

Suddenly a waiter carried the birthday cake and sang the birthday song walk came to our table after dining!!! Omg.....he was too sweet! Btw, thankiew!^^

Make a wish after my boyfie sang the birthday song to me!haha!

Yeah happy 18 years old!;P

My cutie monkey birthday cake! Thankiew bb! ;)

Hello my lover! This's the third year to celebrate my birthday with you and I'm very grateful.♥

My surprised birthday present from bf! Okay! A lot of thanks want to say, he told me before he wanna buy this to be my birthday present. I was so startled because the price of gold was really high recently. So I'm totally not agree with it, then he promised me won't buy it liao! But he still brought it to me...T.T But I didn't cry out just felt so touched when I opened it! Sry bb...haha!

Its very pretty right? ^____^

Friday, 12 October 2012

18th Birthday Celebration with buddies@The Library

Hello!I'm 18 years old right now!Finally received the warm years old from dear god!lol. But I really can't to believe that I'm turning to 18 years old now.I still remember very clearly about my primary school things and it just like yesterday.haha
Went to the Library for a celebration with my MGLBB buddies and my college classmate. How sweet you're!I never know you guys are preparing my birthday celebration!I got a lot of surprised like the wished!lol, thank you the DJ of the day!;)

My MGLBB members here!Start from left is Jerry,Terence,me,Darren,Brandom and Jasmine. 1,2,3,4,5,6....Okay one member is gone that is why I felt sad! Tarro Oh YOU GO AWAY FROM US!!!

Hello Panpan! We looked so blur@@ Shit camera!

With my daily driver man!Terence!lol. Sincerely,you're getting more handsome liao after graduate!

The cutie boy in the world.

Squinted boy!lol

 Hey sexy babe J! We're so dazzling tonight!

The right one is "Sex on the beach" I never try it before so we decided to try it out. Okay..I prefer it more than long Island!:P

 Let's drink pepo!

My dearly classmate!From left is Jasmine I pretty sure you guys know ard!Then is me, and the middle one is a silly Ernest Toh!hahahaha!Looked at him so funny!And the next is Terence and Wai Hong! He's such a good boy in our class and he's avalaible eih girls!!!

With Ernest Toh! Open your eyes leh man......

Hi Wai Hong!;D


I'm sexy and I know it ;P

Okay turn back then.

Surprise~~~~~So suddenly happy birthday sounded! You can imagine how the clubbing songs suddenly become birthday song! lol! 

Make big wish!

Put out candles then! How cute about the 3D  "Happy Birthday Candles"!!!!!

Lol. Why we felt so shy? This's not the first time ok!!!hahahaha

Thanks a lot to all of you! Stay healthy and happy all my friends,family and my boy ya.I love ya all!♥XOXO♥